

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

The Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (ISBN 978-0-87779-550-6) is a dictionary that was published in 2008.


供應中 Newly Revised & Updated! A groundbreaking dictionary providing in-depth and up-to-date coverage of basic English vocabulary, grammar, and usage.

Merriam Webster Advanced Learners Dictionary

供應中 韋氏英英字典全新未拆封售出不接受退換貨原價約NT1000附近下單請考慮清楚再購買,高標者勿買購買Merriam Webster Advanced Learners Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

供應中 書名:Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary,語言:英文,ISBN:9780877797364,作者:Merriam-Webster (COR),出版日期:2016/10/01,類別:人文社科.

Merriam: Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary ...

供應中 Merriam: Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Newly Revised & Updated):適合學習美式英文的進階學習者,超過100000個單字和句子解釋,高達160000個以上.

What exactly is a 'learner's dictionary'?

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary is written specifically for people coming to English from another language. Here's Peter Sokolowski with ...


Find definitions for over 300000 words from the most authoritative English dictionary. Continuously updated with new words and meanings. Browse the Dictionary · Games & Quizzes · Slang & Trending · Word Finder

Merriam-Webster”s Advanced Learner”s English Dictionary ...

評分 5.0 (1) · 供應中 Merriam-Webster”s Advanced Learner”s English Dictionary(Paperback). $750. 限時折後價. $950起. 促銷價. 現折. 滿 1 件享79 折. 活動賣場 ...